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Overweight and depressed?

Losing weight is a tough thing to do.  So tough in fact, there are over 83 million search results that pop up on Google when you type in “how to lose weight” into the search bar. Apparently it’s a big deal.

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Pretty crazy to think that there are so many freaking results for that question.  Then again, it’s not.  Weight loss is big deal in this country.  I’m not sure if that is because so many more people need to lose weight or because more and more people think they should lose weight.  That’s a different post for a different day however.

The reason I posted the Google search was to show that the first things to pop up as answers to my search were things like “eat crunchy food”, “eat fewer calories”, “workout more”.  Really made me think how many people were taking these top answers and following them.

I’m here to tell you one thing that didn’t pop up on the results:

 Learn how to take care of your gut

That doesn’t mean your belly fat, foopa, or beer gut.  I’m talking about your intestinal gut. The one that houses trillions of bacteria that are working to digest whatever you are feeding it.  Those trillions of bacteria have quite a bit of power over you, whether you care to admit it or not.  Allow me to explain.

Your gut bacteria play a crucial role in your health, both mental and physical.  Poor gut health has been shown to play roles in depression, high levels of inflammation, illness, even autism. The deeper researchers dig, the more they see that gut health strongly correlates with overall health.

You have a nerve called the vagus nerve that runs from the gut to the brain.  Not only is it physically linked to both the brain and gut, it also influences your breathing, heart rate, and your ability to relax.  Think of this nerve like a highway of emotional/ intellectual information.  It doesn’t seem to sound like something you’d care to upset.  If your gut flora is off, the message it transmits won’t be a happy one.

Growing up my mom used to tell me about the Church of the Gut.  It was the belief that your gut instinct was your most trusted advisor.  I’m not sure she knew all about the craziness that your intestines have influence over but she was definitely on to something.

So why are your intestines ground zero for a myriad of issues?  Your gut is where the sh** goes down (pun intended).  Your intestines are digesting food, fighting off foreign invaders, influencing hunger/ appetite, and more.  I’ve even come to learn that the state of a pregnant woman’s gut influences the expression of genes in the growing baby, hence why my daughter had lip and tongue ties.  CRAZY STUFF!

So what I am trying to tell you is that you need to pay attention to this second nervous system your body has.  If you don’t, your health could suffer (diabetes, chronic inflammation, depression, obesity).   Bad bacteria growth leads to mixed messages being sent out.  Nothing you want to have happen I assure you.

So how do you promote healthy intestinal fortitude???

  • Reduce the processed junk.  The fewer sugars, “dead foods”, refined ingredients you take in, the happier your belly is.  You are feeding fewer “bad” bacteria.
  • Go fermented: Eat more kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir.  Those fermented foods are great for the happy bacteria and will help them proliferate.
  • Eat slower: I talk about this one all the time with new clients.  This is the most practical step to take.  It doesn’t involve running to the grocery store and will help you feel better throughout the process.  Chew more, eat slower.
  • Incorporate a high quality bone broth: Add bone broth to your regimen.  It provides a wealth of nutrition and helps seal the gut to protect it from invaders and keep the good things in!
  • Go Grass-fed/ pastured/ GMO free: To start, these animals and plants have higher nutritional profiles.  The foods they are fed (corn, soy, wheat) have been shown to inflame the system.  GMO products also have been shown to reduce the number of good bacteria in the gut.

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So the fight for a healthier happier version of yourself begins in your belly.  Well, technically begins with what you put in your mouth.  The healthier your intestines are, the healthier your brain, your skin…the list goes on.  Pregnant or looking to get pregnant? Start working on increasing the vitality of your good gut bacteria. The implications go further than just a little weight gain.

So you want to be happier? Eat more fermented veggies.

Want to lose some weight?  Be kind to your digestive tract and allow your body to reduce some inflammation.

It’s a lot better of an idea than a fecal transplant, I’m just saying….


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