3 Day Meal Plan

Welcome to the Free 3 Meal Plan download page.

We’ve been working with Nicole Fennell, RD from Chews Food Wisely to put together a meal plan to get you started on a path to a healthier lifestyle.  This plan includes:

  • A three day shopping guide
  • Menu guide
  • Recipes featuring real food that tastes GOOD
  • Bonus tips for ultimate success

It was a major goal of ours to make this something that is practical, easy to follow, full of tasty food, and AUTHENTIC.  We aren’t promising a quick fix but there is a lot that can happen in three days.

“There’s a therapeutic reason for only being three days. Negative reaction and symptoms in the body can last up to 72 hours after eating something that your body doesn’t agree with. So even cleaning up the diet for as little as three days can make drastic improvements.” -Nicole Fennell, RD

Download your FREE three day meal plan

Download the meal plan, hit the grocery store, and get to work.  If you have any further questions, fill out the box below and I will be glad to help in any way I can!