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Spring into lasting change

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How about that bluebonnet picture???? Great stuff, right?!?!?! I thought you might enjoy that as we get closer and closer to spring.

On to business, let’s talk how you can start making long term changes today.   I have a question for you:

What is easier for you to do??  Tell yourself to eat your dinner slowly or to order veggies instead of the mac and cheese?

It’s safe to say it all hinges on the quality of the mac & cheese.  Maybe that’s a bad example because it got you thinking about macaroni but there is a purpose to the question.

Do you feel it’s easier to change your habits and behaviors or to just switch out foods?  If you switch out ice cream for sherbet you still get to have a treat.   If you make the switch to not snack so much, that can seem like such a pain in the @ss and self limiting.

Changing behaviors can tough.  Essentially we are changing who we are and how we identify.  It makes us take a second glance at ourselves and stand face to face with vulnerability as we strive to get a glance at our authentic selves.

Thats’s a powerful thing.

Ditching the soy sauce for coconut aminos is a good thing to do.  It has its health benefits and can put you at ease with eating some stir fry here and there.  Bottom line is it’s a victory.  It gets you closer to winning the war.  Just remember it doesn’t mean you’re done.

Focus on your eating habits.  NOT just what you eat.  There is a big difference there.

When we sit down with clients at Avenu Fitness, we preach habits and behavior changes.  Motivation vs discipline.  It’s always sexy to make the surface changes.  It’s scary to keep them going and dig deeper every day.

Here are 3 things you can do to change your eating habits and feel better at the same time. Yea, there are some videos attached.  Good stuff.

  1. Slow your roll when eating that roll. Eat slowly.  Shoot for 15-20 minutes a meal.  Remember that is ideal and won’t always happen. Just be intentional with it and at least taste the food you are eating.
  2. You aren’t JJ Watt. Stick with 3 meals a day.  No more “fueling the metabolism all day”.
  3. Don’t fear fat.  It’s your buddy on this journey. Dietary fat is going to be a big ally for you in this fight to feel better and eat healthier.

So ya those are some interesting videos where I feel I look and sound somewhat zombie like but hey, there’s good information there.  Feel free to snoop around the youtube channel for more interesting vids. 

Start implementing those habits today!! You got this.  The journey of 20 miles begins with one step.  And another.  And another…..(you get the point).




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